Annual Pie Eating Contest

We have 3 age groups: 10 & Under, 11-17, and 18+ so everyone is welcome!
Devour your way to victory in the Ferndale Street Festival Pie Eating Contest! Participation is free.
The Pie Eating Contest will take place from 1pm – 2pm. There is no registration fee for this event. Rules for the Pie Eating Contest. Registration will be limited to 10 participants per age group, first come first served. Age groups are as follows: 10 & under, 11-18 and 18 & over.
Contest Rules:
• No hands can be used.
• The first person to finish his/her whole pie and stand up will be declared the winner!
• In the event of a tie – more than one first place winner will be selected.
• Any visible signs of sickness will cause disqualification.
• A completed registration with acknowledgement of the waiver must be signed by all contestants prior to the start of each contest. Children under 18 must also have a parent or guardian present, and must also have a parent permission to register.
WAIVER: By registering for this event, you agree not to hold The Ferndale Chamber of Commerce and/or any of their employees or volunteers responsible for lost, damaged or stolen articles before, during, or after the event. You also agree not to hold The Ferndale Chamber of Commerce and/or any of their employees or volunteers responsible for any incidents or accidents that should occur. Entrants agree that The Ferndale Chamber of Commerce has the right to use pictures of the entries and entrants on their website.